#################### Spyder Line Profiler #################### **Spyder-Line-Profiler** is a plugin to run the Python `line profiler`_. This package profiles the time that individual lines of code take to execute. .. _line profiler: https://pypi.org/project/line-profiler/ .. image:: /images/lineprofiler/lineprofiler-overview.png :alt: Spyder with the Line Profiler pane open ============================ Installing the Line Profiler ============================ If you installed Spyder using conda, the best way to obtain Spyder-Line-Profiler is to run the following command in your terminal (or Anaconda prompt on Windows): .. code-block:: bash conda install spyder-line-profiler -c spyder-ide .. important:: At the moment it is not possible to use this plugin with the Spyder :ref:`standalone_installers_ref` for Windows and macOS. We're working to add support for them in the future. Restart Spyder in order to be able to use the plugin. ======================= Using the Line Profiler ======================= When the Line Profiler is installed, it will be available under the menu item :menuselection:`View --> Panes --> Line Profiler`. .. image:: /images/lineprofiler/lineprofiler-view-panes.png :alt: Spyder showing View Panes Line Profiler You will see it then as a tab next to the :guilabel:`Files` tab. For the Line Profiler to work, you must place the ``@profile`` decorator on the line above any functions that you wish to profile. .. image:: /images/lineprofiler/lineprofiler-add-decorators.gif :alt: Adding 'profile' decorators to script to profile it line by line. Now that the decorators have been added, you can then either select a script with the button present in the pane or run the profiler from :menuselection:`Run --> Profile line by line`. Your file will then be profiled line by line. .. image:: /images/lineprofiler/lineprofiler-run-menu.png :alt: Spyder showing the line profiler button in the Run menu After running the profiler, either from the button in the pane or the :menuselection:`Run` menu, the results are shown in the :guilabel:`Line Profiler` pane. The path displayed there is that of the file being profiled. .. image:: /images/lineprofiler/lineprofiler-run-profiler.gif :alt: Running the line profiler and inspecting the results. The Line Profiler pane shows six columns: * ``Line #:`` the number of the line being profiled. * ``Hits:`` how many times that line is hit in the scope. * ``Time (ms):`` time spent running the line in total for all hits, in milliseconds. * ``Per hit (ms):`` average time spent per hit, in milliseconds. * ``% Time:`` percentage of time taken by that line of total scope time. * ``Line contents:`` the source code in the line. Lines with a stronger color take more time to run.